NIM008464 - ArcSDE C SDK client application crashes when making API function call, SE_connection_get_instance_users(), to list connected users.
NIM036561 - ArcSDE for Oracle: memory leaks encountered when reconciling versions or performing a large number of update operations.
NIM038152 - Unix only: The sdemon command crashes the ArcSDE service when trying to kill all active connections.
NIM038013 - For every client request to the geodatabase, a query to detect the time_last_modified is executed against the sde.lineages_modified table impacting performance. (Please see technical article 35462 for more details.)
NIM033557 - The sdedbtune command fails to accept an empty string for any of the parameter values.
NIM036997 - Spatial Type for Oracle: Registration fails for tables with an ST_Geometry attribute and an SRID set to 0. (Please see technical article 35028 for a suggested workaround.)
NIM035924 - Japanese character does not show up on AIX machine when running sdelayer -o describe command.
NIM037200 - In specific cases where a feature has been updated many times and the D TABLE entry for SDE_STATE_ID=0 is missing, the problem will not be detected or fixed by sdegdbrepair.
NIM036998 - Upgrading geodatabases on database servers fails if the user is connected to the geodatabase when upgrading. (Please see technical article 35184 for more details.)
NIM035444 - Need to identify corruption on states that are not pointed to by a version.
NIM035432 - The sdegdbrepair tool may hang if the number of errors found for a specific FeatureClass exceeds the currently defined buffer.
NIM037688 - When creating a PostGIS feature class in ArcCatalog, the xy offset is correctly created in respect to the spatial reference. When creating a PostGIS layer with command line and registering the feature class with sdelayer -o register, the xy offset is not calucated, preventing the feature class from being correctly displayed in ArcCatalog. The fix allows for a PostGIS layer to be displayed in ArcCatalog by calculating the xy offset regardless of how the feature class is created.
NIM037241 - The sdegdbrepair command does not recognize ORACLE11G as a database type when using -o diagnose_tables option.
NIM033768 - The '-r' option does not work for the ArcSDE 'shp2sde -o init' command utility. The option works fine in previous versions of ArcSDE.
DB2 and Informix Specific
NIM035335 - Users will not be able to create multiversion views in DB2 9.5 due to invalid SQLSTATE values being used in the ArcSDE application.
NIM037577 - When editing feature classes via multiversioned views in DB2, users should be able to insert spatial data to the spatial column when inserting a new record.
NIM034970 - Spatial views created with synonymns in Informix are not viewable in ArcCatalog when connected as the non-owner.
NIM035920 - With Informix, if you upgrade from ArcSDE 9.0 to 9.2 sp 5 and then reconcile a version, the server may crash.
NIM035965 - With Informix, cannot connect to a database having a name longer than 15 characters.
NIM037576 - The DB2 9.5 catalog schema SYSIBMTS should not appear in ArcCatalog.
Non-Database Specific Server
NIM031030 - When using a Definition Query longer than 4095 characters against a 9.0 ArcSDE Server, the data fails to draw and the following error is returned: "One or more layers failed to draw."
NIM034862 - When executing the ArcSDE CAPI SE_shape_find_along() function a memory leak occurs, and if executed a very large amount of times it may cause an out of memory (-13) error.
NIM038061 - Projection engine libraries on Linux will now be created using gcc rather than g++. Using g++ adds an unnecessary dependency on the library.
NIM038273 - British National Grid (BNG) scale factor was changed between versions 9.2 SP5 and 9.3. Although the change does not affect data values, mixing the two coordinate system versions will cause data to be reprojected. This fix will cause the two versions to be treated as equal.
NIM008494 - When revoking select privileges on a versioned feature class, the select privileges are not revoked from the versioned table's adds and deletes tables. (Please see technical article 35464 for more details.)
NIM037942 - Improved the error message displayed in Desktop when trying to make a direct connection without the appropriate drivers installed.
NIM035810 - Mosaic tool is very slow when trying to mosaic to large SDE raster dataset that has a pyramid.
NIM037698 - When building address locators with reference feature classes in SDC format, the content of the RD.Lox1.Restrict expression, specified in the address locator style, should not be ignored.
NIM035803 - Creating a local or client locator from SDE reference data with an optional field set to <None> fails with the error message: “Column not found:”_SurrogateTable_.Table1_PreDir””.
NIM036857 - Creating address locators fails in ArcSDE if numeric fields in the SDE reference feature class contain null values.
Oracle General
NIM008218 - When ArcSDE is configured to use a pool of session logfiles, and a client process such as ArcMap (utilizing a logfile selection) terminates abnormally, the sde_id process entry is not cleared from the sde.sde_logfile_pool table and the selected features entries incorrectly remain in the sde.sde_logpool_<#> table.
NIM037739 - When storing binary data as LONG RAW, versioned queries fail when accessing the BLOB column.
NIM036996 - Spatial Type for Oracle: Unable to export and import tables with st_geometry attributes between Oracle instances because each type's oid values are not defined. (Please see technical article 34984 for a suggested workaround.)
NIM009953 - Optimization required to improve the response time on SE_registration_get_list called by the geodatabase when establishing a connection in Catalog.
NIM013312 - When enabling archiving on a featureclass that has a user defined index in Oracle, then disabling (while keeping the previous archive table), the next time archiving is enabled, the User defined index is not created successfully.
NIM031357 - Enable the commands sdelayer -o si_stats and sdelayer -o stats for ST_GEOMETRY feature classes.
NIM034006 - If a feature class containing any NCLOB/CLOB columns with the 'move the edits to the base' option checked is registered, saving any edits will fail.
NIM034112 - When a database error is encountered during a compress, it needs to be raised and reported to the user.
NIM038154 - ArcSDE for Oracle: The sdesetup command should ensure there are no invalid objects after the installation or upgrade completes. (Please see technical article 34771 for a suggested workaround.)
NIM034426 - The ArcGIS Geoprocessing Migrate Storage tool exceeds the Oracle default open_cursors limit of 300 when a large number of feature classes are migrated at one time. This is caused by a cursor leak in ArcSDE for Oracle.
NIM035353 - Creating a geometric network with complex edges stored in SDO where the snapping tolerance snaps the complex edges, will raise a "Wrong column type" error.
NIM038199 - Synchronizing a specific number of edits between ArcSDE geodatabases using a 9.3 client and server, causes the client to return errors or crash.
NIM035212 - Cannot correctly load, edit and display text data in multi-byte languages using ArcGIS Desktop applications when ArcSDE DBTUNE parameter UNICODE_STRING is set to TRUE. The default value for UNICODE_STRING is TRUE in ArcSDE.
NIM035733 - Previewing a layer in ArcCatalog will crash the gsrvr process when the layer's registration is the wrong entity type. (Please see technical article 35463 for more details.)
NIM038541 - Creating an raster column stored as a sdo_georaster column on an Oracle 11G instance from an ArcSDE client fails with a -51 and an extended oracle 24344 error. At Oracle 11G, Oracle renamed the dml triggers causing this problem.
Oracle Spatial
NIM038198 - Spatial Type for Oracle: Unable to register a table with an st_geometry attribute containing more than one spatial index grid level.
NIM037874 - Spatial Type for Oracle: Attempting to create an ArcGIS selection with a view containting an st_geometry attribute fatals the ArcSDE gsrvr process. (Please see technical article 35421 for more details.
Oracle ST_Geometry
NIM038012 - Creating a spatial view fails randomly with an ORA-01426 error code if the underlying storage type is ST_GEOMETRY for Oracle.
NIM035764 - Spatial Type for Oracle: The st_disjoint relational operator should not be associated with the st_spatial_index. (Please see technical article 34926 for more details.)
NIM036748 - ArcSDE gsrvr crashes when performning a spatial query on ESRI ST type data, if the ST data and the geodatabase were upgraded from 9.2Final or 9.2 SP1.
NIM035793 - Spatial Type for Oracle: Unable to register tables with st_geometry attributes which have NULL values. (Please see technical article 34918 for more details.)
NIM035236 - Spatial Type for Oracle: Creating an st_spatial_index performance is impacted by a non-sorted query on the source table. (Please see technical article 34954 for more details.)
NIM037121 - Spatial Type for Oracle: Attempting to rename a table can fail with an underlying DBMS error. (Please see technical article 35222 for more details.)
NIM005384 - Spatial Type for Oracle: Memory usage of the extproc process continues to grow within an Oracle session when using the SQL ST_Intersection function.
NIM035292 - Spatial Type for Oracle: When using an empty input to st_*FromWKB functions on Oracle 9i, one will encounter the error ORA-22275.
PostgreSQL Specific
NIM033874 - Loading UTF8 data containing non English characters or language specific characters found in latin based alphabets will no longer fail with "buffer is too small (-393)" error. The buffer has been increased to successfully accomodate any UTF8 data.
NIM037687 - Loading a PostGIS feature class with spatial reference information not present in the PostGIS spatial references table (public.spatial_ref_sys) will no longer give an error; the PostGIS feature class will be created with the spatial reference information found in the sde.sde_coordinate system table.
NIM037968 - When editing a PostGIS layer that contains M and Z values, an error would occur indicating that a WKB function was being used instead of an EWKB Postgres function. That has been altered and an appropriate EWKB function is now being evoked when editing a PostGIS layer with M or Z values.
NIM037760 - When utilizing ArcGIS Mobile to access ArcSDE 9.3 for PostgreSQL, the gsrvr process could crash under certain conditions when creating a state. The fix eliminates the situation when a crash could occur.
SQL Server Specific
NIM031981 - ArcSDE for SQLServer allows only 1248 raster datasets to be listed in the ArcCatalog table of contents.
NIM037727 - SQL Server 2008: New Geometry & Geography layers sometimes get inconsistent values in gsize column(s) of sde_layers table. The grids should always be -6,0,0 but some have other values, depending on the method used to create them.
NIM037943 - SQL Server 2008: In some cases enabling archiving on a Feature Class loaded with the Geometry keyword causes a "Violation of check constraint" error.
NIM037875 - SQL Server 2008: In ArcCatalog, when you copy/paste a Feature Class using the Geometry configuration keyword, a new SRID is always created in the sde_spatial_references table even if an appropriate one already exists.
NIM037761 - With SQL Server 2008, registering a table with a Geography or Geometry spatial column as an SDE layer fails with -138 “The given coordinate references are incompatible” error when a NULL shape exists in one or more rows.
NIM039263 - Non-versioned edits against geography/geometry types are committing after each edit, not on explicit save operation.
NIM039537 – ArcSDE for SQL Server 2008, when using spatial data types, can receive a Network I/O error under certain circumstances after ArcObjects code properly handles an error condition.
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