NIM007522 - ArcIMS 9.2 ColdFusion connector does not install required mfc71.dll file.
Spatial Server
NIM006953 - Performance decreases for Acetate layer requests after ArcIMS 9.1 SP2.
NIM006739 - ArcIMS 9.2: RASTERMARKERSYMBOL acetate object is not placed in 0,0 and alignment is not honored.
NIM006979 - Layer visibility control in HTML viewer does not work correctly for ArcMap Services Group layers.
NIM007158 - Scale bar distance changes when panning.
NIM007200 - The HAlignment attribute of TEXTMARKERSYMBOL no longer works in IMS 9.2.
NIM007314 - Maximum image size for ArcMap Services in 2048 x 2048.
NIM007322 - Image output with ArcMap Services works with "tiff" but not "tif".
NIM007594 - Image has a band of distortion on the top when projected on the fly.
NIM008494 - ArcSDE rasters containing more than three bands are not rendered correctly in an ArcIMS Image service.
NIM009256 - IBM AIX only: Metadata Services do not start in Admin on AIX.
WFS Connector
NIM008229 - ConcurrentModificationException error occurs when loading WFSConnector in WebLogic 9.2.
Issues Addressed with Service Pack 2
CSW Connector
NIM006961 - Dublin Core namespaces have been corrected in GetRecords responses.
NIM006962 - The CSW Web application can now handle a significant number of concurrent users.
NIM006963 - Resolved issues with schema validation and the GetCapabilities request.
NIM006964 - Resolved issues with ebRIM URN prefixes for GetRecords requests.
NIM006965 - Added new support for SOAP message handling in all CSW requests.
NIM006966 - "OutOfMemoryError" errors in Tomcat have been eliminated in the CSW Web application.
NIM006967 - xsi:schemaLocation is set in a response when outputFormat="application/xml" in a GetRecords request.
NIM006968 - Added support for OGC Filter version 1.1.0.
NIM006987 - ebRIM schemas are now accessible through the CSW Web application.
Metadata Server
NIM006952 - On Solaris, resolved issues with retrieving documents and thumbnails from the Metadata Server.
NIM006519 - In the JavaViewer, the Generic and BlackTie samples have been fixed.
Spatial Server
NIM006122 - Embedded ArcIMS Services within ArcMap Services stopped working at 9.2. This has been fixed.
NIM006949 - ArcIMS 9.2 SP2 on Windows has been updated to use MrSID library Version 6 and GDAL Version 1.4.
NIM006950 - An option has been added to disable ArcIMS Spatial Server from regenerating the font cache for each request when a required font is missing.
NIM006954 - Rasters have a band of distortion at top of frame when reprojected on the fly from BMN M34 to UTM.
NIM006955 - ArcMap Server was creating a .jpg output file and renaming it to a .eps output file.
WFS Connector
NIM006951 - In the WFS Connector, some of the administration pages have been updated to be correctly localized for l10n.
Issues previously addressed with Service Pack 1, and included in Service Pack 2
ArcMap Server
CQ00296907 - The buffer tool does not work properly in ArcExplorer – Java Edition, Java Standard Viewer, or Java Custom Viewer when a map is in a projection other than decimal degrees.
CQ00298574 - Functions such as identify and query do not work correctly for ArcMap Image Services when using ArcExplorer – Java Edition, Java Standard Viewer, or Java Custom Viewer after installing ArcIMS 9.1 sp2.
CQ00299971 - When using an ArcMap Image Service using a projection in feet, map units returned in SERVICEINFO are “us_survey_feet”. This causes the .Net version of the Web Mapping Application to not work. It also produces erroneous measurements in all ArcIMS clients.
CQ00292486 - When using Internet Explorer 7, the Diagnostics page does not display any messages.
Spatial Server
CQ00300380 - OBJECTID needs to be properly accounted for when inner joins are used on ArcSDE data.
CQ00297650 - A parsing error is returned when tasks.xml is saved in Unicode format (such as UTF-8) and has a byte order mark (BOM).
WMS Connector
CQ00294611 - When using the WMS Connector, the tolerance when using GETFEATUREINFO is too small.
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