These ArcSDE 9.3.1 Service Pack 1 instructions only apply to DB2 for z/OS installations:

  1. Update the ESRIOBJ.XMIT and ESRIDBRM.XMIT files on DB2. There are new copies of these files in the SDEHOME\tools\db2zos directory. To load them into DB2, do the following:

    1. As a SYSADM, upload the datasets to the z/OS system using ftp.

      The data is in Time Sharing Option/Extension (TSO/E) Transmit/Receive format and must be uploaded to the z/OS using a BINARY transfer.
    2. Assuming ftp is used for the transfer, the two datasets must eventually be defined on z/OS with the following characteristics:


      Typically, ftp systems are setup such that for any data that is received and results in a new dataset, the resultant new dataset will not be in the required format. However, that can be changed by using ftp commands. Make sure the ftp is in binary mode and type the command appropriate to your operating system.

      The command to ftp from Windows is as follows:

      quote site recfm=fb lrecl=80 blksize=3120

      If you are logged onto the z/OS and pull the files using ftp, the command is as follows:

      locsite recfm=fm lrecl=80 blksize=3120

    3. The datasets must be TSO/E RECEIVED by a user account on the z/OS system . Log onto a SYSADM user account id on the z/OS system and open option 6 (the command panel) of Interactive System Productivity Facility (ISPF).

    4. The two datasets that are uploaded are named ESRIOBJ.XMIT and ESRIDBRM.XMIT, so issue the following TSO/E commands, one at a time, to receive the datasets:


      For each of these commands, a prompt for specification of dataset creation overrides will be returned. If you do not provide any overrides, two datasets will be created under the high-level qualifier (HLQ) of the user ID with which you logged in.

      You should now have two corresponding datasets in SCR03.

      <user>.ESRI.OBJLIB <user>.ESRI.DBRMLIB

    5. Review the names of the datasets. If they are correct, they are to be referenced in the ESRI UDF installation job that is uploaded in the next step.

  2. Check the function, SDE_V_NOT_DEFAULT by issuing the following SQL:

    SELECT count(*)
    FROM sysibm.sysroutines
    WHERE name like 'SDE_V_NOT_DEFAULT'

  3. If 1 record is returned from the SQL run in the previous step, proceed to the next step.

    If no records are returned from the SQL, submit the ESRIS2D step of the ESRIUDFI JCL script provided in %SDEHOME%\tools\db2zos.

    You must customize the ESRIUDFI script using information specific to your implementation, then upload and run the script on z/OS. The script itself includes instructions.

    Running the script re-creates the UDF.

  4. To upgrade, run sdesetup. Failure to do so may cause problems in starting the service or with connecting to the service. Please go to the admin command guide under the %SDEHOME%\documentation folder for more information on using this command:

    c:\ sdesetup -o upgrade -d <ORACLE9I|ORACLE10G|ORACLE11G|SQLSERVER|DB2|DB2ZOS|INFORMIX|POSTGRESQL> -D <database_name> -s <datasource> –u <DB_Admin_User> –p <DB_Admin_password>

  5. Continue with Step 12 from the ArcSDE 9.3.1 Service Pack 1 page.