- NIM046964: Cannot add ArcSDE data unless connection is stored within the Database Connections list in ArcCatalog.
- NIM041813: Add Image Server Connection dialog does not show metadata when loading service through a supplementary provider.
- NIM056706: Exporting a log from the Server Manager fails.
- NIM046875: Unable to add an SDE raster to a service when the SDE connection resides outside of the user profile's ArcCatalog folder under Application Data.
- NIM048560: Synchronizing a service that is not published on all services causes the service to run on all service providers.
- NIM050802: Certain TIFFs are not able to be imported into Image Server 9.3.1.
- NIM053953: Need to support WMS map layers in image service definitions.
- NIM056524: Metadata is not displayed if Service Name is changed when published.
- NIM053653: The 'Service Editor' Section of 'System requirements for ArcGIS Image Server' in the WebHelp for ArcGIS Desktop 9.3 needs to be corrected.
- NIM053968: Receiving Run Time Error '438' when trying to reproject using the Image Server Client 931 for AutoCAD 2009.
- NIM054629: Cannot start service providers in a distributed install of Image Server when the Server Manager is located on a Windows 2008 Server.
- NIM055274: ISCommand GetImage results in output images containing small wedges of zero values.
- NIM009509- Symbology for ISDEF files are not persisted in saved MXD's.
- NIM013584 - 16 bit imagery appears black when served through ArcGIS Image
- NIM036760 - Cannot add ISRef files into AutoCAD.
- NIM036928 - Add support for alpha channel bands to ArcGIS Image Server.
- NIM039010 - Stretching process becomes non-responsive after an error message
triggered by invalid settings is returned.
- NIM040221 - Need to support AutoCAD 2009.
- NIM042382 - Document the official support status on A.TOC files with CADRG
datasets for Image Server.
- NIM042385 - Image service returns a black output for some CADRG datasets when
the CADRG raster type is specified.
- NIM042605 - Unable to create an image service using a projection that has a
unit of measurement in seconds.
- NIM042981 - Image Server Service Provider is crashing when a service with a
CADRG dataset is published as a WMS service and viewed in a WMS viewer.
- NIM042997 - Unable to add grid stacks to an image service when specifying its
directory to load the data into the service.
- NIM043254 - Recompute Footprint by Related Geometry uses the geometry of
features in the joined shapefile based on FID order.
- NIM043902 - Please correct the documentation on the Arc GIS ImagerServer
Developer Guide concerning the Generate DIDEF command.
- NIM044308 - 11-bit NITF does not display properly in an image service.
- NIM044912 - Pyramids created for YCrCb JPEG compressed TIFF file is not read
- NIM044913 - PNG format Image get washed out when viewed in Internet explorer.
- NIM045359 - When creating an Image Service using IKONOS data, only the first
set of metadata is read.
- NIM045729 - Orthorectification is not properly applied to NITF datasets.
- NIM045730 - NCDRD spec'd panchromatic NITF data is not properly supported.
- NIM045731 - JP2 compressed NITFs cannot be accessed with Image Server 9.3.1.
- NIM046056 - Recompute by Radiometry does not work for all rasters in a
panchromatic service.
- NIM047442 - The footprint for some GeoEye NITFs is 100x the size of the
actual data.
- NIM047570: Cannot add a raster catalog to an image service definition.
- NIM047571 - Metadata is incorrectly extracted for IKONOS files wherein the
_metadata.txt file references multiple component files.
- NIM047572 - Cannot add GRID Stack dataset.
- NIM047573 - "As View" selection option selects more rasters than it should.
- NIM047574 - Select by view selects all rasters in view >MinPS, but does not
filter by MaxPS.
- NIM047575 - Service Provider Log Export does not correctly write to the MDB.
- NIM047586 - Cannot read ISAT project files when a strip ID is not present.
- NIM047598 - IKONOS 4 band service cannot be created.
- NIM047629 - Bug in libtiff prevents reading scanline based JPEG compressed
TIFF with component subsampling.
- NIM047630 - IKONOS NITF products not supported.
- NIM047631 - Recompute footprint by related geometry, does not account for the
user specified join, but defaulted to joining based on the FID.
- NIM047632 - Problem generating 16-bit 4 band IKONOS service.
- NIM047633 - Problems adding USGS topo TIFF files.
- NIM047634 - Creation of 3 band RGB service diisplays as a grayscale.
- NIM047635 - Editrasterdatasets iscommand does not edit the RPDefs.
- NIM047854 - NITF IKONOS imagery containing embedded RPC's (no external file)
causes orthorectification to fail.
- NIM047911 - Unable to create a service using an YCrCb JPEG compressed TIFF
file that has internal pyramid.
- NIM047918 - Creation of one band 16-bit IKONOS service fails.
- NIM047919 - Support OVR files.
- NIM048048 - Creation of 3 band 8 bit IKONOS image service using NITF dataset
come out as grayscale services.
- NIM048067 - Creation of IKONOS service with external DEM for
orthorectification fails.
- NIM048560 - Synchronizing a service that is not published on all services
causes the service to run on all service providers.
- NIM048850 - Service provider crashes when using the water mark process.
- NIM048851 - Metadata not transfered when watermark process is applied.
- NIM048852 - Pansharpen process throws an error when the client's spatial
reference system is different from the raster's and the MS image is not
- NIM048853 - Add grid stack file fails.
- NIM048988 - Installing QFE-IS-931-CQ00311170 will cause errors when
attempting to create an Image Service with certain datasets.
- NIM049778 - Creation of Ikonos ortho service fails.
- NIM050265 - There are memory usage issues with ESRIImageServer.exe when large
ISCDefs are published.
- NIM050370 - The ExtractMetadata parameter should be replaced with ExtractMetaFields in the BuildService IScommand, and the Get Image ISCommand in Developer Guide has to be updated.
- NIM051822 - When two or more machines try to publish or delete image services to and from ArcGIS Server simultaneously the ArcGIS Image Server hangs.